I've really been watching my caloric intake the last few weeks. As you know, I haven't had much luck losing any weight this entire year, and I've suspected it's due to an increased appetite, late night snacking, and morning donuts. I'm proud to announce that I've cut out the late night snacks completely. It's been about three weeks since I've snacked after dinner!!
Getting back to calories, I've been trying to maintain a lower calorie intake and have been fairly successful (minus Thanksgiving Weekend). During the work week, I've been drinking coffee alone for breakfast (no more donuts or other pastries), and I've been bringing lunches, mostly some variant of noodles. Then I tend to have a large lunch. Yeah, it goes against the recommended method of a large breakfast, medium lunch, and small dinner. However, I know myself, and even when I eat heavier early, my body still wants a full dinner. It's working well, and I've lost about 5 lbs total in the last couple of weeks.
Since many other fitbloggers post weekly weigh-ins, I've decided to start doing the same. SO to kick it off, here was my weight this morning: 207.0 lbs.
I'm hoping to hit below 200 before the year ends, then try and keep lowering it until I'm around 175-180. Thinking back, that seems to be my ideal weight.
Yesterday, I hit the
NCR Trail and did a long and slow 6 miles. I ended up heading out later than I should, and it was fairly dark when I finished. I didn't see a single person the last 20 minutes or so. The run was great, I did a 1.5/1 run/walk and started out at an 11:30 mile, but slowed it down to an average of 12:42 finishing in 1:16:10. Slow and steady! My heal felt fine, however, I could feel some weakness in my hamstring tendon, which I hurt 5 weeks ago during the
Army 10 Miler. It wasn't painful, but enough to notice. I'll keep an eye on it, and if it starts to act up, I'll adjust my training.
Speaking of my training, I'll post my marathon training, which officially starts this week, later today. My training calendar (modified from
this) is too big to post, so I've got to create an excel spreadsheet that is easy on the eyes.
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and is ready for the Christmas season!