
The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start. - John Bingham

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Three Things Thursday

Uno)  I haven’t run since last Friday.  Work and home has been busy and I’ve taken the time to let my shins recover. 

Dos)  We’re leaving today for a trip to Texas. We’re flying into Dallas today. Tomorrow we’re driving down to Houston for a friends wedding, and back up to Dallas (Yeah I know, that’s over 8 hours on the road).  Family is coming down to Dallas on Saturday and Sunday, then we fly home on Monday.

Tres) I’ve been talking with a friend about taking a 4-5 day backpacking adventure.  We’re looking around the Rocky Mountains.  Roughly 6-10 miles per day. IT should be a great trip. Still in the early planning phase right now.


Unknown said...

hope the time off helps the shins. have fun in Tejas. Backpacking sounds like fun.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to Texas - enjoy the heat!
