Tuesday, September 28, 2010
An Offer to My Devoted Readers
I'm extending the deadline for entry to October 8th, and for the running reports through October 15th.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Double Duty Monday
Today I did a double run. Well, technically you could say I ran a warm up with paige for .83 miles, then ran a 3 miler, but I’ll put the spin on it and call it a two run day. I’m allowed, it’s my blog and I’ll do it if I want to……… Just try and stop me!!!!
Ok, my temporary insanity is over. My 3 mile run was great. Wet and cool but nice out. I started with a new pair of headphones I picked up at Brookstone last week when I misplaced my regular ones. These have the sound isolation pads, and a retractable cord that I like. Although I realized it’s not so good on a run, the extra eight for the retracting part just kept pulling the earbuds out. I ended up ditching them about 1/2 mile into the run. I was pushing myself pretty good and hit the mile mark at 10:26. The turn around at 16:17 and finished up at 31:31. Pretty dang good for being out of it I must say. Especially given that I ran a 2/1 run/walk. I decided it was time for me to calculate my walking pace, so at the end, I walked around our loop. I calculated that I walk at a 12:50 min/mile pace. I then decided to calculate my running pace and it turns out that for I averaged running pace was 9:41! That’s right….. 9:41! If I could manage to keep that pace and not stop to walk, I’d be doing well…. although I am a run/walk convert. At least until my foot issues are long behind me.
I want to give a big congrats to Andrew over at Running Man Wannabe for completing his first 5K with an awesome PR. He’s got an interesting blog and has done one hell of a job at training. I wish I was as dedicated and analytical about my training as he is. Congrats! and good luck on future races!
I registered for the Komen Race for the Cure yesterday. I’ll be running with Jen (Although she thinks I’ll take off and leave her at some point), We’re going to run/walk but I’m not sure what she’s got in mind. I’m thinking 2/1. The race is this Sunday and if you’d care to donate something, here’s a link to our team page. Team: Living For Leslie.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Paige’s Cross Country Race Number Two
Today Paige had her second race in a four part series of half mile runs. Charm City Run hosts the event geared towards kids. They break it down into small age groups (she’s in the 5-6 run) and it’s a nice event. The only complaint we’ve had is that they do not provide any post run refreshments, not even water. How can a race NOT provide water after a run? But regardless, it’s a fun time for all.
Today, Paige learned a valuable lesson on practicing. The first race she ran, she was last. She ran alone and got distracted. She didn’t even notice she was last, so it really didn’t bother her. This race, I ran with her, and she became keenly aware that she was in last place, by a far margin. There were a few other kids that dropped the race, which made her feel better, but she was still very upset at how far behind she was. We used the opportunity to teach her about the need to practice things. Referencing her ballet and school work as well. I think it was a wake up to her that becoming a runner is tough work and you can not expect to do well in a race if you rarely ever practice. We’re now planning a few runs this week and hopefully she’ll see a difference between today and next weeks race. She also has a race at school this week, and I’m confident she’ll do better. The kids in the race series are pretty competitive.
Yesterday we went on another family hike. We took five dollar footlongs (AKA Subway) and had a lunch break midway. It was a fun time, but the kids did get hot and tired by the end of it.
As for me, I’m starting to get anxious about the Army 10 Miler. I really have not prepared myself near enough and it’s a month away now. I’m confident I’ll be fine with completing it, but not near as prepared as I could have been. I’ve decided to start running at lunch again, now that the weather has gotten cooler. Running at lunch works really well for me and it’ll be nice to get back to that.
Now off to prepare for the work week!
Friday, September 24, 2010
Back from the Windy City
This was the last trip on my schedule until March so things should start settling down from the summer. Healthwise, things are going well. I've been on gout meds for almost a week and no side effects. Actually I feel like my toe joints are more flexible, although that's probably just my imagination.
On the agenda:
This weekend Paige has race #2 of her 4 race series in Annapolis. The plan is that I will run with her and try to keep her from getting distracted. She also has a fundraiser race at school next week. Jen has the Susan G. Komen race on Oct. 3rd. If we can get someone to watch Connor, I'll run it with her. If not, I'll get pics from the finish line.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Sunday Five Miler
I went for a 5 mile run this morning around Centennial Park in Columbia, MD. This is the first time I’ve been running there but we go every few months to let the kids play on the playground and walk around. There is a small lake in the center of the park which makes for a very nice view. It’s got a roughly 2.5 mile loop which was perfect for my run today. The weather was great, my feet and lungs felt good. A nice day for a run. Here are a few pics I took on previous trips to the park.
Lastly here is one of my favorite pictures of Connor while on a hike around the park.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
On The Up Swing
Things have been going well lately. I’ve had a few short runs this week and haven’t noticed any problems with my coughing (which is still lingering but working it’s way out). I had a doctors appointment yesterday and are going back onto prescription gout medicine. Trying the “alternative” methods wasn’t working. It’ll take a few months but should be gout free!![]()
Lately, the family and I have been out and about with various activities. Last weekend we went hiking around a local reservoir and this afternoon we’re going to Soldiers Delight, where I ran the "Mama Goes Masters" race. Also last weekend, Paige ran a 1/2 mile race. One of a series of four kids races she’s signed up for. She got distracted and was skipping around at one point. She came in last place along with another girl, but she didn’t care. She was having FUN! The two of us went for a 2 run last night. We made it in a whooping 18 min mile pace!
Tomorrow I’m planning to get a 5 miler in at the NCR Trail. Then Monday I’m off to Chicago for a work conference. I hope everyone has a great weekend!
Don’t forget to sign up for the Runner’s Bug Virtual Non-Race! And please share it with others!!
Blogger Labels: doctor,Paige,Trail,Virtual Race,gout
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
First Annual Runners Bug Virtual Non-Race.
As my loyal readers know, I’ve not had the best time with running the last couple of months. For the last couple of years I’ve struggled with a case of gout that frequently has interrupted my running and the last several weeks I’ve been fighting a case of bronchitis. All while I’m supposed to be in training for the Army 10 Miler in late October. Needless to say I’ve not been a happy camper.

I’ve been trying to think of a good way to kick off some good thoughts and decided to host a virtual race. Rather, I’ve decided to throw the “First Annual Runners Bug Virtual Non-Race” That’s right. Non-Race. I called it that because I think everyone needs some time to remember why they run in the first place. Something that doesn’t involve winning/losing, a PR, pace, intervals, speed workout, or any of that other junk that goes along with racing. So here are the rules:
There are three ways to enter (yes, you may enter up to three times).
1) become a follower of my blog.
2) Comment on this post.You have until Friday 24th of September to enter. After which, I will post the list of entrants along with a bib for the run.
3) Repost this on your blog and send me an email at xm41907@gmail.com .
Choose between a 5K, 10K, and 10 miler.
You will have between Saturday 25th of September and Sunday 3rd of October to run your “Non-Race” The objective is to run for the sake of running. Run without timing yourself. Get out there with nothing more than yourself, your shoes, and some relaxing music if you wish. Find an interesting route. which you wouldn’t normally run, or that you’ve always wanted to run. Where ever it is, just get out there and enjoy the run.
Afterwards, post about your run and send me email (xm41907@gmail.com) to be sure I get it. Over the next several weeks I’ll be deciding upon prizes for the run and will post them once I’ve decided. Most likely there will be prizes for each distance, most unique run, best written report, and probably some random “door” prizes as well.
I’m looking forward to reading about your runs and remember, time is NOT AN ISSUE, It’s about getting out there and running for the love of it!!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Virtual Run Teaser
Friday, September 10, 2010
Weekly Catchup
On the running front, I still haven't gotten back out there. My coughing is still present but much diminished and I'm feeling antsy to run. I'll probably start with a couple of short runs (sub 2 miles) and see how I feel then go from there. Taking these few weeks off has sucked. I've gained about 5 lbs and feel like a lazy bum. Let this be the last health issue this year, please!
For some good news, Jen decided on her own to run the Susan G. Koman race for the cure here in Baltimore next month. She even gathered some friends together and made a team! I'll be on the sidelines watching the kids and taking pics for this one.
Also, Paige is signed up for a 4 race event. The first two races we have her, the second two her father has her. She's going to end up running more races this year than I am! If only I could convince her to actually run when it's not a race!
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Confessions of a Coughaholic
Happy Holiday tomorrow!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
A Decision Needs to be Made
When should I feel safe to return to running?
I know the rule is above the head - run, below the head - don't run, but what about returning? Should I wait until the cough is gone, or would it be acceptable to start again once it's gone down to a minor cough? Give that it's getting better I'd like to hope that by Sunday the cough will have diminished to something minor or gone away altogether, but I can't be certain. I'm going to be optimistic and state that by Sunday I should be able to resume running (although I will absolutely have to adjust my training schedule!)
What do you guys think?