The entry and report deadlines have been updated. You have until October 8th to enter, and October 15th to run and report.As my loyal readers know, I’ve not had the best time with running the last couple of months. For the last couple of years I’ve struggled with a case of gout that frequently has interrupted my running and the last several weeks I’ve been fighting a case of bronchitis. All while I’m supposed to be in training for the Army 10 Miler in late October. Needless to say I’ve not been a happy camper.

I’ve been trying to think of a good way to kick off some good thoughts and decided to host a virtual race. Rather, I’ve decided to throw the “First Annual Runners Bug Virtual Non-Race” That’s right. Non-Race. I called it that because I think everyone needs some time to remember why they run in the first place. Something that doesn’t involve winning/losing, a PR, pace, intervals, speed workout, or any of that other junk that goes along with racing. So here are the rules:
There are three ways to enter (yes, you may enter up to three times).
1) become a follower of my blog.
2) Comment on this post.You have until Friday 24th of September to enter. After which, I will post the list of entrants along with a bib for the run.
3) Repost this on your blog and send me an email at xm41907@gmail.com .
Choose between a 5K, 10K, and 10 miler.
You will have between Saturday 25th of September and Sunday 3rd of October to run your “Non-Race” The objective is to run for the sake of running. Run without timing yourself. Get out there with nothing more than yourself, your shoes, and some relaxing music if you wish. Find an interesting route. which you wouldn’t normally run, or that you’ve always wanted to run. Where ever it is, just get out there and enjoy the run.
Afterwards, post about your run and send me email (xm41907@gmail.com) to be sure I get it. Over the next several weeks I’ll be deciding upon prizes for the run and will post them once I’ve decided. Most likely there will be prizes for each distance, most unique run, best written report, and probably some random “door” prizes as well.
I’m looking forward to reading about your runs and remember, time is NOT AN ISSUE, It’s about getting out there and running for the love of it!!
10K, unless my knee acts up in which case I'll switch to 5K.
I love it! No time, just me and my shoes hitting the trail :-)
Currently recovering from a metatarsal stress fracture - I think I will be ready for a 5k by october 3rd. Have to have motivation to build mileage if I want to run Baltimore Half Marathon on October 16!
I'm down! I'm heading into my marathon taper so I'll probably stick to the 10k. Good luck to all!
I am in for the 10K, I think I will be able to cover that distance!
I follow and I comment - two for me!!!
Fun idea. Haven't been on here in a while. I hope you're starting to feel much better.
I am a new follower
5K for me
I'll enter, officially put me down for "it's not a race" 10 miler.
I follow, and I'm down with a non-race 10k....
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