
Monday, May 7, 2012

Are You An Obssessed Tracker?

I wrote this as a comment on someones running blog that's been having some difficult times with their running.  I thought it'd be good to share.

If you’re one that’s become obsessed with tracking things, you might try switching to a more qualitative record of your runs than quantitative. I rarely track my pace anymore, and found that I enjoy my runs far more. Here is what I track:

Distance – given.

The following are all on a 1-10 scale, and I usually give some comments:

Overall – just a basic idea of how the run went
Enjoyment – Was it a “git r done” kind of work out, or pure pleasure
Experience – Did anything interesting happen or did you see anything interesting
Effort – leisurely jog or hardcore sprint work
Pain – anything worth noting about

You can take a look at mine for examples at:

As a side note, my gout attack is mostly gone but there has been some lingering inflammation.  I opted to push back my 16 mile run until next week to give more time for healing.  I've taken the entire last week off of running but did get a chance to follow in Rocky's footsteps...


Unknown said...

I like this idea a lot

Anonymous said...

I think I may need to adopt this method. I become too concerned over my pace (or lack there of).