Since high school I've always considered myself a runner. More often than not, I was a runner on sabbatical. For the last two years I've integrated running into my daily life. I spent a year just focused on making running a routine part of life. Then this year I ran distances I've never run before, completing both a marathon and a half marathon. I've also moved past the dogma against run/walks and do both full running and run/walks. Lately I've been giving a lot of thought to where I wanted to go from here.
A couple of months ago, I had a thought. Why not run the "Rave Run"? Why not do it often? Why not make it my goal? So here it is my "Race" plan for 2012 (which I'm starting a few months early).
Goal One: Increase my running frequency. Pretty much this entire year I've focused on a three run week or less. Typically Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday. I'm hoping to increase the amount to about 5-6 times a week, for at least a mile each run.
Goal Two: In my last post, I mentioned I was going to stop documenting my times. I've become obsessed, as many runners do, with the clock. "I was a few seconds slower today than yesterday! What happened?" Unless I'm running a race, I don't plan to keep track of times. Instead, I'm going to a more subjective form to evaluate my efforts. More...experiential. I'll elaborate more on this in a future post, but for now. It's bye bye watch.
Goal Three: Find unusual/historical/intellectual/personal locations to run and document each one as an event. I want to choose locations and document my experience with them. Why did I choose this location, how was the run, what did I experience, what were the pros/cons of it. Photos will be taken and shared on here.
This might sound vague, so let me elaborate. I live close to DC, yet I've never run the National Mall just to run it. Both times I've run there were during races. I'd like to run the entire mall. Maybe stopping at a few of the memorials and experience them through my running self.
My work takes me on frequent (although not so lately) business trips throughout the Eastern United States. Each trip offers me a chance to run somewhere different. I plan to find something unique about each location and experience it through a run.
So that's it. My 2012 Running Plan - Experiential Running. I'll probably add in some races here and there too, most likely the Army Ten Miler.
I love this! Can't wait to experience all these new places through you!
AWESOME!! Kudos to you for setting down goals and having a plan! Looking forward to enjoying many more posts about this! :)
I wear a Garmin on almost all runs, but don't necessarily track my times. In fact, I will go entire runs without looking at it during or after. I just want the data for mining purposes later on.
Love it! Thanks for linking up at my post. This is what I want to do, too. And, if you think about it, you can go to some cool places and get a hotel room for the night for the same cost as entering a race!
(PS: My word verification is: resting. Hahahaha!)
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