
Saturday, January 7, 2012

Back in the Game!

I got a wonderfully refreshing 4 miler in this afternoon.  I was timid of trying since my health of late, but I took it slow, steady, and had a fantabulous run! 

Last night started the first night on my cpap.  I felt fine this morning, but the data showed I still has a bunch of apneas.  We'll see how it goes. 


In other news, Jen and I have started a juice reboot.  More to come, but basically we're ingesting nothing but fresh juiced fruits and veggies, and water for the next 10 days, or more.  So far things are going well and I'm feeling great.  Lengthy, novelesque post to come.  Until then "Come back when you can't stay so long!" 


Lacey Sue said...

So glad to hear things are on the up-swing! LOVE that you got a good run it! :)

Unknown said...

Yay, congrats on your 4 miler!