
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

A Fond Farewell.

You've been my trusty friend and faithful companion for nearly two years.  We've been through tough, happy, lonely, excited, and painful times, but alas, I must say good bye for now.  You've served me well, never failing to capture an hour, a minute, or even a second as required.  When needed you've been there with memory at hand.  For this, I thank you, but it's time to move on, at least for now.  Our paths are diverging and it's time to cut the cord and proceed ahead alone.  You will not be forgotten, and when the time comes and I need our service again, I'm sure you'll be there with all your might.  But for now….Adieu

IMG_7570Now my faithful readers may be wondering "what in the world is he talking about?"  Well, I'm moving into a new phase with my running.  I'm putting down the watch.  No more tracking my pace or times on runs.  I have no planned race goals and therefore no need to worry about how fast or slow I am running.  I will continue to track my mileage and other metrics, but time is not an important component for what I’m wanting.  The quality of the experience itself is what I'm seeking. 
This years race goals are done.  I've completed what I wanted to and have begun to move towards my 2012 running goals.  I'm still planning things out, but not requiring a watch is most definitely a big part in what I plan for 2012.  I’m probably going to run a Turkey Trot this Thanksgiving, but other than that, I’m looking towards the future.
More to come soon...

P.S.  I'm not sure what's up with pictures having a white bar at the bottom.  I'm using Windows Live Writer to make posts.  I might try reinstalling it when I get around to it.

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